The volunteer Northwest MuralFest committee is responsible for raising all funds needed for the event.
Festival costs
General conservative total cost estimates for other Walldogs festivals of this scale have been about $285,000. By volunteering and donating meals, housing, equipment, and supplies, other communities have typically spent around $120,000 in hard costs to hold the event. Thus far, the level of committed in-kind donations, discounts and volunteerism are indicating that we should be able to hold the Northwest MuralFest for a lesser amount.
Typical expense items include mural painting materials, scaffolding, panels, printing, mural lead and project coordinator fees, meals and housing for the artists. There are no fees to be paid to the Walldogs organization for the festival. The hard cost per mural we estimate to be around $8,000, totaling 15 murals for $120,000.
The Dalles Main Street has contracted the project coordinator Pete McKearnan, a Walldogs participant of many years, to lead the festival planning for a fee of $10,000. Pete has been a driving force in the effort thus far, spending countless hours to make the festival a possibility, and will continue to work on the NW MuralFest through the event. The mural lead artists are paid a stipend of $3,500. The lead artists are paying their own travel, and the committee is currently working on providing them with donated room and board